Medicare Supplements

How Medicare Supplement Plans Work

Features and Enrollment Guidelines

A Medi-Gap or “Medicare Supplement” is offered by private insurance companies to help pay all or most of the cost left behind by Medicare Part A and B.  These plans have the following features and benefits:
Guaranteed Renewable for Life
No Network Restrictions
See any Doctor who accepts Original Medicare
A set monthly premium (no surprises)
No Deductibles
No Co-Pays*
Multiple Plans to Choose from
Does not have a drug plan tied to the Policy
You are allowed to select a Medicare supplement plan without going through underwriting or being subject to eligibility questions if:
You are turning 65 within 6 months and have applied for or eligible for Medicare Part A and B
If you are older than 65 and have lost group insurance coverage through no fault of your own in the last 63 days and have applied for Part B
If you are under 65 and have recently received Medicare Disability.
Also Medicare supplement plans are not subject to the “Annual Open Enrollment” as the other Medicare plans are. Once you’ve chosen a Medicare supplement plan, that’s all you have to do, no other action will ever be required and the plan will automatically renew on your anniversary date.

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