About Paul Ferraresi

He is a specialist in the Medicare field searching for the best health care options for you.
Paul Ferraresi is working with his team at a conference table.

A Specialist You Can Trust

He is independent and represents most major companies in this market as well as some regional ones. All companies are very highly rated organizations with a variety of plans. He is paid by the insurance companies, thus, his service costs you nothing.
Available to you are a full line of Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D Plans from highly rated carriers.
Independent & Objective
Licensed & Certified
Trustworthy & Transparent

How I Can Help

If you are in your initial enrollment or annual enrollment period it is paramount you start early. By doing so we can design the best plan for you.  Getting an early start will also help us avoid a potential lapse in coverage or future rate increases.  This will be a partnership to guide you through this very important decision.

Contact us at (713) 871-5921 if you have any questions or need assistance.

Get Expert Medicare Guidance

Our experienced agents will provide personalized advice, and find the best Medicare plan for your needs.